
Shapes: Looking at Tessellation

Tessellation is the covering of a surface with repeating patterns of regular or irregular shapes that fit together exactly (interlock), with no gaps or overlaps. The earliest tessellations discovered date…

Measuring Slopes: Make a Clinometer

A clinometer (also known as a declinometer or inclinometer) is used to measure the steepness of a slope, and can be used to work out the heights of tall things,…

How to Multiply on Your Fingers

Knowing the times tables is helpful to be able to do mental arithmetic. But it is also useful to have some other tricks to help with multiplying. In these experiments,…

The Golden Section

The golden ratio (also known as the golden section or golden mean, or as the Greek letter ‘phi’) describes a rectangular shape that people find an attractive shape, particularly in…

A Fractal Pattern

A fractal is a pattern that repeats itself, getting smaller and smaller each time. Each part of the pattern looks like a smaller version of the whole thing. A tree…

Reading People’s Minds

Maths can’t really reveal the secret of telepathy (reading people’s minds), but some clever maths tricks make it seem like it is possible. Some of these will need a calculator….

Get Knotted: Learn About Topology

Knot theory is the study of knots. As well as being useful to hold things together, knots and knot theory are important in different areas of science, including biology and…

Calculating Pi

Pi is a number used in maths used to work out the circumference of a circle (the distance around the outside) or the radius (the distance from the edge of…

How Many Surfaces? Making a Möbius Strip

A Möbius strip is a loop of paper with a twist in it, that behaves in a very odd way. How to Make a Möbius Strip Take a strip of…